Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cookie Flowers

Just tooting my own horn - so today I made these cute flower bouquets - and called my visiting teaching good for the month.

Road Trip

So this weekend I drove back to Des Moines Iowa with Lauren - I loved it! Friendly people, green, more green and streams that run through middle of neighborhoods!
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska and finally Iowa - 24 hours in a car -life is great.

New Mexico - we found a great hotel - we had to take a picture of - does this just not say "we sell our rooms by the hour". Lauren and I were glad we just needed gas on that street and on our way we went.

However the hotel we did stay at in Albuquerque loved the color orange - hey but the bed did its job of 6 hours of sleep so we could get on the road again for the straight 16 hour shot to Des Moines.

Colorado - Patti will love this picture as I tried to get the state sign and wound up getting bushes! Oh well I know that this picture was taken in Colorado.

Bronco Stadium - how fun is that!

Nebraska - Flat, Flat Flat

I did better on the state sign though!

Iowa - The state sign is in the sky with the freeway signs - its the sign to the far left - once again I know I was there.

The midwest is so pretty, green, friendly people everywhere. Streams run through the neighborhood - I loved it - it was a very fast but amazing trip! I look forward to going back sometime with Lauren and spending more time!

Des Moines Iowa - Mission Accmplished - One day I will have traveld the world!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Sun will come out....

This weekend my entire family was in Snowflake enjoying the children's play of Annie. Hanna was Miss Hanagan in Cast A and Lily in Cast B. She rocked both roles! Vashtia was a woman on a park bench and 1 of the 8 radio singers in both Cast - excellent job done. Especially in Cast B - when the curtain closed with no one on stage except Vashtia sleeping on the park bench. Marynda was an orphan in both cast and did such a fantastic job with the songs and dancing.
Before the first cast - Hanna - not fully in costume - I love the tie dye, big hair, red lipstick.... 80's look.
Vashtia before the play, working on her homeless look.
Who couldn't love this little orphan?

I love my family so so much and am grateful for their talents. I am blessed to know the sun will come out tomorrow!