Monday, December 22, 2008

Richly Blessed

2008 has been full of blessing for me and my family - some of the highlights were:
1. Maggie - the new addition to my family.
2. Many wonderful trips to Disneyland with family and friends
3. My 30th birthday! 30, flirty and thriving!

I continue to be richly blessed - I am grateful for all those who have entered my life and have led by example.

May 2009 be a fantastic year! I look forward to all the memories to come!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas BLOWN UP!

So this is a glimpse of what my neighborhood looks like. Lauren and I can not figure out the reason for the insanity! But we are determined that next Monday we will document in detail our beautiful neighborhood. It sure is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christams and a Happy New Year!