Monday, December 22, 2008

Richly Blessed

2008 has been full of blessing for me and my family - some of the highlights were:
1. Maggie - the new addition to my family.
2. Many wonderful trips to Disneyland with family and friends
3. My 30th birthday! 30, flirty and thriving!

I continue to be richly blessed - I am grateful for all those who have entered my life and have led by example.

May 2009 be a fantastic year! I look forward to all the memories to come!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas BLOWN UP!

So this is a glimpse of what my neighborhood looks like. Lauren and I can not figure out the reason for the insanity! But we are determined that next Monday we will document in detail our beautiful neighborhood. It sure is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christams and a Happy New Year!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Fun!

From Thanksgiving Dinner - to Black Friday - to Temple Lights we had a fantastic time!
Nothing says Thanksgiving to our family - than watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade! We love the man in the red suit at the end.
Thanks to Timilie and Patti for prepping the potatoes - Marie did an excellent job mixing and mashing - but hey - what can go wrong with a pound of butter?
Thanksgiving dinner in style with Marynda's handmade outfit and Timothy's place mat - gotta love elementary art!
After the Black Friday fun - thank you Patti for standing in line at Kohls to make our wait only and hour - we decided to take the kids to Bass Pro for their first outdoor shopping visit - Timothy said it was nothing but AWESOME!
And what better way to end a wonderful weekend than the Mesa Arizona Temple Christmas Lights!
I love my family so much - for my life is richly blessed!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Saving the OZONE 1 car at a time!

So one of my job duties includes coordinating the Maricopa County Trip Reduction Program (car-pooling program) for our office. This year I really have been a slacker but decided before the new year started I would create a bulletin board that I would actually want to post information on. Here is the final production! I must say with a little card stock, and some cute clip art later - WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO CARPOOL?

Who says Dogs don't enjoy comfort?

So this is Maggie's favorite spot to relax. Every night like clock work if the pillows are down on the floor she is out like a light! Hmmm guess Santa knows what to bring her for Christmas - Pillows of her own!

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Great to be Eight!

This weekend was the baptism of my only nephew (so far) Timothy! The weekend was filled with wonderful family time and great food - the great food is a given I know!

Timothy got to share his special day with his cousin Brett. Aaron (Brett's dad) and Keith are brothers.

No great party is complete without cake and lots of kids! And obviously Timothy has the Carragher height working for him as Brett has the Caldwell height working for him.

Timothy wasn't to pleased to take pictures on Sunday morning - just had to capture the special weekend!

I love my family so much. I am so blessed to be a part of a family that CTR's and make the decisions that keep us together forever! Timothy I am so proud of you and your desire to do what is right!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tooting my own crafty horn!

So this weekend I made this cute basket - well not actually the basket but I did tie ribbons to the handle.

- Basket from dollar store - $1.00 (duh)
- Ribbon from dollar bin at Michael's craft store - $3.00 (I had to buy three different patterns)
- Filling it with snickers - $6.00
- Passing it around in Relief Society - PRICELESS

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome to the Arizona State Fair!

It's that time again - Time for everything FRIED!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's Halloween Time at Disneyland

Paul and I had a wonderful time. Just wanted to share some pictures.

We both can't wait for our next trip to the happiest place on Earth!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Great Eight Tag

Melynda tagged me so here goes!

8 TV Shows I Watch!
The Biggest Looser
Wheel of Fortune
The Office
The Bachelor
The Bachelorette
30 Minute Meals
Paula's Party

8 Favorite Restaurants
Joe's Crab Shack
CheeseCake Factory
Matta's (Now Matta's Grill)
La Paloma
Texas Roadhouse
California Pizza Kitchen

8 Things That Happened Yesterday
Went to work
Went to my waxing appointment
Got a hair cut, okay maybe a few hairs cut - and the others waxed off
Went to the mall - to buy Lauren her birthday present
Ran into Megan Riggs (old co-worker from GFR) at the mall
Ordered Guacamole from Filberto's for dinner
Went home and cleaned some of my house
Talked to Paul about his hot date that he has on Saturday! Lucky guy I sure hope he has a wonderful time.

8 Things I am Looking Forward To
Getting a pedicure tonight.
Flying to California tomorrow.
Seeing Paul tomorrow.
Riding Peter Pan with Paul.
Eating at the Blue Bayou with Paul.
Having a few days off of work.
California Adventure.
Seeing where my life is going to take me.

8 Things On My Wish List
Good Health
Ring on my left finger
New Bedroom set (linen's)
An eternal family
Vehicle with no payment
Clarity to life's surprises and questions
Eternal Happiness
I wish for more wishes just in case I think of something really good!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

House for sale!

So this is what you come home to if you are renting from a property management and the home owner decides to sale. I am not to worried as two other homes on my street have been on the market for more than 6 months. Just comes to show, I never know where life may lead me!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Who are you?

So I found this fun web site off of Tonja's blog - you can take all kind of quizzes that give you a glimpse of who you might be. Here are some of mine! These are just a few of the quizzes I took but as you can see from the results, it obviously works! If you would like to try it out the website is

What Flower Are You?

You are a Sunflower. You are spirited and vivacious. Willing to do anything to help others be happy, and ask nothing in return. You always see the bright side of any situation and are the life of the party. It is impossible to feel down when you are around.

Which Disney Character Are You?

You are Minnie Mouse. You are a sweet, caring person. You are there when your friends need you and, because you care, you aren't afraid to correct your friends...sometimes harshly.

Which Reality Show Should You Be On?

You should be on The Bachelor. Your romantic notions and hope for the existence of true love guarantees you a spot on The Bachelor. You are passionate and want to settle down with a match made in heaven. You will never stop looking until you've found the "one" and will once you do you will never let go of your true love's heart!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Go Lobos Go!

So this weekend Timothy had a Mighty Might Football game in Glendale. Saturday morning we got to go to Glendale and watch him and his team mates strut their stuff. I have never seen anything so cute as K-2nd graders playing tackle football in full uniform. The Lobos did excellent as their 13 man team played the entire game both offense and defense. I just wanted to share a few pics of the big event.

Me and #61 - T. Caldwell - Go GET'UM!


The Lobo Team

Friday, September 12, 2008


I love it and it's that time of year - my boss came back from lunch today bringing me my very own bag! Okay I know I look like I have a deformed arm but I wanted to show off the yummy tastiness! I love candy corn season!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Google Image Tag

The object is to find all answers to the following questions with Google images. I hope you enjoy!

1. Name - Okay I thought I was the only one - but no there is a Danneel Harris, obviously more well known in the world then me - At least we know Danneel's are beautiful people!
2. Favorite Food - Crab Legs - (gotta be from Joe's)
3. First Job - EAC Mail room clerk
4. Nickname - Danderella - after this lovely lady!
5. Where were you born - Showlow Arizona.

6. Bad Habit - Cheese cake
7. College Degree - AAS - Legal Assistant - EAC
8. Where I want to go - IRELAND
9. Favorite Place - as if you don't know!
10. Favorite Color - Pink
11. Favorite Animal - Maggie
12. Past Love - Tim McGraw
13. What am I doing now - Blogging and eating PB and Grape J.
14. Where I live - Apache Junction - Proof it is its own kind of beautiful
15. Favorite Object - my connection to the world!
16. Grandma's name - Ruby
17. Age - 30 and LOVIN IT!

I Tag: Hanna, Patti, Treb, Tonja, Arlene, Amie and Kelli